The are are many ways to support Detroit Country Day School. Spending your time with your peers, current students, and faculty enhances the DCDS experience for everyone. We welcome alumni to share their experiences with our community. Listed below are ways to remain involved with the School community.
Class Agent
As a Class Agent, you play a pivotal role in helping us promote engagement within our alumni community and encourage attendance at events and reunions.
Volunteer at Open House
Open to both alumni and parents of alumni
Open House is an exciting time when we are able to show the broader community our school and vision for an exceptional education. Join us on that day to speak with prospective parents and students about your experience as a parent and/or student at DCDS.
Senior Project Host
Open to both alumni and parents of alumni
Since the 1960s, the Senior Project program has given our seniors the opportunity to experience the "real world" in a field they have interest in pursuing in college or just want to learn more about. The seniors spend the month of May on Senior Project, and then return to school on a date in June to present to teachers, parents, peers, and guests on what they learned from their experience. Fill out the Volunteer form linked below if you are interested in hosting a student for May of the current school year.
Host a Regional Alumni Gathering
Gather YOUR region's local DCDS alumni for a fun get-together! Regional hosts pick the location and help us get alumni there. DCDS will foot the bill for food, create the communication outreach, and send a spirit box of DCDS goodies for the party! Fill out the Volunteer form if you would like to plan the gathering
This opportunity is open to alumni living outside of the state of Michigan. Please note that DCDS is able to purchase food for this event, but not alcohol.
Other Opportunities
Throughout the year, there are many other events and programs providing the opportunity to connect with students and other alumni whether it be for career advice, networking, or just social reasons. Look for our emails or visit the Events tab on this page to see what is available.